Out of all those many friends, there are those whose presence is stronger and who hold a more significant place in our lives. Not to diminish the importance of any one person, but just like whiskeys, cigars, and chicken wings, all friends are not created equal.
Jake was one of those friends.
He was kind and gentle. Present and supportive. He didn't judge, and he didn't assume. He understood he wasn't my only friend and he allowed room for others in my life. He was there for good times and bad. We sometimes bickered. Barking back and forth at each other, stubborn, but loving each other regardless. But there was something that set him apart from all my other friends.
He was a dog.
There were obviously things Jake needed me to do for him. And when you do those things for a dog, you get their attention in return. But I got more than Jake’s attention. I wasn’t just his alpha, his caregiver, the conduit through which food and water got to his bowels. A person to open the door so he could go outside and relieve himself, chase the neighbor’s dog up and down the fence, and sit and enjoy a snowy afternoon. I got a companion who through his presence, a look, and a hug; let me know he understood how I happened to feel that day and he wanted to let me know he was there.